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from one sea to another...(by G.M.B.) |
Kanaliziranje je praksa u kojoj pojedinac, obično u stanju transa, ostvaruje psihičku povezanost s drugim entitetom. "Channeler" ili medij se onda ponaša kao most između drugih dimenzija/entiteta i ostalih ljudi koji ostvaruju kontakt, te prezentiraju poruke dane od strane entiteta.
Po prvi put,
šest američkih istaknutih medija su stavljeni u isti film kako bi se dobio uvid
u fenomen kanaliziranja, kao i u informacije koje primaju. Oni su Lee Carroll (
kanal za Kryon ), John Cali ( kanal za poglavicu Josipa ), Shawn Randall (
kanal za Torah ), Darryl Anka ( kanal za Bashara ), Geoffrey Hoppe ( kanal za
Tobiasa ) i Wendy Kennedy ( kanal za Kolektiv duša s Plejada). Entiteti koji
pružaju informacije su zaista ispitivani direktno od strane redatelja za
potrebe snimanja ovog filma.
Rezultat je
izvanredan! Poruke koje su prošle kroz različit prostor i vrijeme, a ipak se
čini kao da entiteti govore kao jedan, dajući nam jasnu i duboku poruku
osnaživanja za čitavo čovječanstvo!
U nastavku možete pogledati film u potpunosti preveden s engleskog i uploadan od strane Kruno V, kojem zahvaljujem na dijeljenju!! :)
Kada smo
otvoreni za Sve što je, sve postaje lakše. Doživljavamo zdravlje tijela,
bistriji um i ljubav za sve u našim srcima. Zvuči super u teoriji, zar ne ?
Kako premostiti jaz između teorije i praktične primjene u svom životu ? Možete
probati kanalizirati svoje osobne vodiče!
svoje potrage za višim istinama, osvještivanja višeg ja, vlastitog mira i
radosti duše , mogli ste vjerojatno naići na pojam kanaliziranja. Ako ste
pročitali neke od ranijih postova, vidjeli ste i čuli neke od kanaliziranih
informacija i vidjeli ste kako kanalizatori (channeler) "rade". U
slučaju da se pitate, i vi možete kanalizirati ako želite isprobati .
Na ovom
video možete naći jednostavne upute od Wendy Kennedy , jedne od najuglednijih kanalizatora
tj. medija danas. Evo što je Wendy kaže o svom kanaliziranju na njezinoj web
stranici : " Kanaliziram već
gotovo 20 godina , radeći s različitim ljudima iz različitih sustava i
zvjezdanih dimezija..... Nakon prvih godinu dana kanaliziranja putem
automatskog pisanja moje sposobnosti su ojačale do točke gdje sam slušala riječi i prije nego što sam ih
pisala. Spustila sam olovku i papir i tada me kontaktirao Kolektiv 9. dimenzije
Plejada. P, kako ih od milja zovem , su čekali da počnem verbalno kanalizirati
prije nego su počeli raditi sa mnom.“ Više
informacija o Wendy Kennedy i njezinom radu možete naći na
Usudite se i uživajte !
ENGLISH "Tuning In" is
a unique documentary that deals with spirituality, or more accurate, it is the
result of 10 years of inquiring of the phenomenon of spirit channeling by film
maker David Thomas. Channeling is a practice wherein an individual, usually in
a trance state, makes a psychic connection with a spirit being. The “channeler”
or a medium, is then acting as a dimensional bridge in bringing other humans in
contact with the entity, as well as interpreting messages from the entity.
For the very
first time, six of America’s prominent channelers are featured in the same film
in order to gain insight into the phenomenon, as well as the information being
received. They are Lee Carroll (channel for Kryon), John Cali (channel for
Chief Joseph), Shawn Randall (channel for Torah), Darryl Anka (channel for
Bashar), Geoffrey Hoppe (channel for Tobias) and Wendy Kennedy (channel for
Pleiadian Collective). The entities coming through were interviewed at length
by the filmmaker.
The result
is remarkable. The messages cross through space and time and it appears the
entities are speaking as one, delivering a clear and profound message of
empowerment for humankind. Follow this link to watch the movie with the translation from English.
When we open
to All that is, all things become easier. We experience healthier bodies,
clearer minds and our hearts give love
to all. It seems so easy in theory, isn't it?
How do you bridge the distance between theory and the actually using it
in your life? You could practice channeling your own personal guides!?
During your
personal search for higher truth, higher self and peace of mind and the joy of
soul, you have probably encounter the term CHANNELING. If you have read some of
the earlier posts, you have heard some of the channeled information and seen
how the channelers do they „work“. In case you are wondering, you can also channel
in case you would like to try.
Here is the
video and some basic instructions from Wendy Kennedy, one of the most respected
channelers out there. Here is what Wendy says about her channeling on her web
page: „I have been channeling for
nearly 20 years now, working with a variety of beings from different star
systems and dimensions..... After about a year of channeling via automatic
writing my abilities had strengthened to the point where I was hearing the
words well before I was writing them. I
put down the pen and paper and that’s when The 9th Dimensional Pleiadian
Collective came through. The Ps, as I
affectionately call them, were waiting for me to begin channeling verbally
before working with me directly.“ More
information about Wendy Kennedy and her work you may find at http://higherfrequencies.net/
Dare and
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