HRVATSKI - Meditiranje ispod piramide prema nekim izvorima utrostručuje efekte meditacije, pa stoga i naslov no, piramide određenih proporcija se odavna koriste i zovu se energetske piramide. Energiju koju piramida skuplja fokusirana je u njenom centru, tzv. Kraljevoj odaji, točno na 1/3 središnje visine od baze - od tuda se energija širi po cijeloj piramidi (pyr -a-mid- lat."vatra u sredini"). Ne želim previše pisati ono što su mnogi puno detaljnije objasnili pa ću samo navesti nekoliko efekata koje energetske piramide pokazuju, unatoč tome što moderna znanost ne može objasniti zašto do takvih pojava dolazi:
Prateći nekoliko poveznica / linkova dolje možete naći više detaljnih informacija o piramidama, a pri dnu članka pogledajte jedostavan način kako napraviti svoju prenosivu konstrukciju.
- Biljke rastu brže, živu duže i zdravije ispod piramide
- Britvice za brijanje se naoštre ispod piramide :)
- Hrana se u osnovi ne kvari, već se lagano suši, a mlijeko se recimo ne ukiseli već pretvori u jogurt ispod piramide
- Neke bolnice svoje pacijente s velikim površinskim opekotinama stavljaju ispod piramida da bi ubrzali zacjeljivanje i ublažili bol pacijenta
- Voda ispod piramide poprima izvaredna svojstva, ljekovita za ljudsko tijelo i biljke
- povećane površinske tenzije
- visoki elektronski potencijal
- svojstva tj. struktura slična ledu, u tekućem stanju
Prateći nekoliko poveznica / linkova dolje možete naći više detaljnih informacija o piramidama, a pri dnu članka pogledajte jedostavan način kako napraviti svoju prenosivu konstrukciju.
LINK 2 - Portable Copper Meditation Pyramid
LINK 3 - Alternativa za vas - Tajna moć piramida
LINK 4 - FILM Documentary Otkrivenje-piramida / Relevations of Pyramids
LINK 5 - Pyramids & Water / Piramide i voda
LINK 4 - FILM Documentary Otkrivenje-piramida / Relevations of Pyramids
LINK 5 - Pyramids & Water / Piramide i voda
Maitreja-Buddha Piramida, s kapacitetom od 5.000 ljudi, je najveća svjetska Piramida izgrađena isključivo za intenzivnu meditaciju. Ima osnovnu površinu od 160 ft. x 160 ft. (49,6 m x 49,6 m) te visinu deseterokatnice s 102 ft. (31,62 m). Vanjska površina piramide pokriven lijepim freskama koje prikazuju razne elemente prirode. Brahmarshi Patriji je utemeljitelj Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement iz Indije te Indian Federation of Spiritual Scientists, a u Indiji je otvorio i nadahnuo izgradnju preko 30 velikih piramida za meditaciju kao i tisuća manjih piramida. Jedan je od rijetkih ljudi u svijetu koji imaju dozvolu Egipatske vlade za privatni ulazak u Keopsovu piramidu u Gizi gdje vodi grupe duhovnih učitelja i učenika na privatnu dvosatnu meditaciju.
ok.. za početak evo osnova.. nakon što se odlučite za određenu veličinu piramide, a o tome postoji više verzija, od kojih sam se odlučio za omjer ruba piramide i njene baze 1: 1,05333 slijedi njena izrada. Sve potrebno sam našao u Bauhausu...
1. Potreban materijal:
- osnovo je kupiti bakrene cijevi koje sam našao u Bauhausu. Prodaju se po komadima dužine 2,5 m, različitih promjera od kojih sam izabrao φ12mm.
- Također treba nabaviti čelični prsten (kao kod privjeska za ključeve, promjera između 3 i 4 cm,
- te izoliranu bakrenu žicu dovoljne duljine za 4 baze piramide.
- pila za metal – za točnu dužinu bakrenih cijevi
- čekić i šilo – za napraviti udubljenja za svrdlo
- bušilica i svrdlo za metal br.4 – za rupe u cijevima za povezivanje konstrukcije
- metar – za točne mjere
- turpija za metal – kako bi uklonili oštre rubove cijevi nakon bušenja i rezanja
- kliješta – za provlaćenje prstena kroz cijevi

- Prvo ćete na budućem vrhu piramide, nekih 0,5cm od ruba cijevi, napraviti rupice za prsten koji će držati cijevi zajedno. Ovim sistemom će vam biti moguće svoju piramidu pospremiti u ormar kad ju ne koristite.
- Drugi set rupica je potrebno probušiti pri dnu svake cijevi kako bi se žicom povezale cijevi i tako stvorila baza. Točna duljina žica koje tvore bazu omogućuje da se kod postavljanja piramide uvijek dobije točan nagib sve 4 strane piramide.
- Napomena: Prije bušenja rupice napravite udarcem šila udubljenje u cijevi kako vam svrdlo ne bi klizilo sa željene pozicije na cijevi.
- Čelični prsten koji odaberete mora biti dovoljno širok da se sve četiri cijevi provuku kroz prsten
- Najbolji način je upotrijebiti kliješta i biti strpljiv.
- Izolirana bakrena žica koja se koristi kao el. žica za lampe ili za zvučnike i slično, se sastoji od dvije žice povezane plastičnom omotnicom. Od svake žice se treba napraviti dvije, na način da se žice razdvoje uzdužno.
- Žice se provuku kroz rupicu i na suprotnom kraju učvrste čvorom koji napravite na željenoj duljini.
- Krajeve cijevi sam obložio trakom kako ne bi grebale parket.
Živite pametno i educirajte se,
Gox U Need
ENGLISH - To meditate under the pyramid structure may triple the effects of any meditation technique that one practice. This is why I choose such a title, although the pyramids of certain proportions have long being used, and are known as the energy pyramids. Energy that the pyramid harvest concentrates at its center, in the King's Chamber, 1/3rd up from its base, from where it radiates through the pyramid (hence the name Pyr-a-mid, which translates from latin as "Fire-in-the-middle"). There are many experts and articles about pyramids out there, so I will recommend you to seek the knowledge by yourself. At this moment I will just name a few known effects of the pyramids:
If you would like to find out more on the pyramids and their effects click on the links below and educate yourself. To see how you can build your own portable pyramid construction follow my steps shown below.
- Plants grow faster live longer and healthier underneath the pyramid
- Razor blades are sharpened underneath the pyramid
- Food is basically preserved underneath the pyramid and will stay fresh longer. Some groceries such as milk, will miraculously turn into yogurt instead of going sour
- Some hospitals are treating their patients that suffer from major burns underneath the pyramid, which helps rejuvenate their skin and lessen the pain
- Water treated underneath the pyramid is beneficial for the human body and the plants and it receives some advantages such as:
- pyramidal water has the properties as ice
- high surface tension
- high electric potential
If you would like to find out more on the pyramids and their effects click on the links below and educate yourself. To see how you can build your own portable pyramid construction follow my steps shown below.
LINK 2 - Portable Copper Meditation Pyramid
LINK 3 - Alternativa za vas - Tajna moć piramida
LINK 4 - FILM Documentary Otkrivenje-piramida / Relevations of Pyramids
LINK 4 - FILM Documentary Otkrivenje-piramida / Relevations of Pyramids
Primjer energetske piramide s mjerama - Example of the energy pyramid dimensions TAKEN FROM / UZETO S: |
MAKE YOUR OWN MEDITATION/ ENERGY PYRAMID (follow the numbers on the photo)
..there are just a few basics for the start..regarding the pyramid dimensions and size - there are several versions on the www on how to determine the length of the base in the relation to the side of the pyramid. I have chosen a 1:1,05333 it was my belief that those sources were the most trustworthy. I found everything I needed in Baouhaus store...
1. Materials needed:
1. Materials needed:
- the basic elements are copper tubes- you'll need 4 for each side. I found them in Bauhaus where they are sold by 2,5 m long pieces. Out of several different sizes I choose the smallest width- φ12 mm.
- You will also need a steel ring, like the one that is used on key chains, with the diameter between 3 and 4 centimeters.
- Copper wire, isolated for the use as a power cord for lamps or the one used for speaker systems. I have used 4,5 meters as the wire is split in two parts which gave me 8 meters needed for 4 sides of the base.
2. Tools needed for the construction:
- metal saw – you will need the precise length of the copper pipes
- hammer and an awl (piercer) – to make indentations on the copper tubes for easier drilling
- drill and the metal auger num.4 (in my case that was enough for the steel ring to fit) - for the holes on the pipes to connect the pyramid
- meter - to have the precise measurements
- rasp – to remove sharp metal edges or pieces after sawing and drilling
- pliers (pincers) – mostly for getting the steel ring through all 4 pipes on the to of the pyramid

3. Drilling the holes:
- On the future top of the pyramid, some 0,5 cm from the edge of each tube, make the holes for the steel ring. When the top of the pyramid is connected with the steel ring it will allow you to assemble the pyramid when needed.
- The other set of the holes you will need to drill at the bottom end of each tube so that the base of the pyramid can be made by connecting the ends with the copper wires. The exact lengths of the 4 bases enables the sides of the pyramid to lean at the exact angle.
- Tip: Before you start drilling the holes on copper pipes make an indentation with the awl so that your auger stays on the pipe, instead of sliding off
4. Connecting the top of the pyramid:
- Steel ring that you choose must be wide enough for all 4 pipes to be within it.
- The best way is to use the long pliers and arm yourself with a patience
5. Connecting the bottom of the pyramid:
- Isolated copper wire is usually transparent and it can be easily separated in two single wires. Make sure that you cut the wire longer, so that you have enough wire to make the knots.
- Pull the wires through the bottom holes and tie a knot so that it stays on a desired length between each of 4 pipes
- I have taped the end of the pipes so it does not scratch the floor, but you may find the plastic caps instead.
Live smart and educate yourselves,
Gox U Need