CROATIAN - Prirodno nam je pratiti razne dokumentarce, programe i znanstvenike Europe i Amerike no, često nam potpuno prođe ispod radara da jednako važna otkrića i jednako vrijedni ruski znanstvenici daju važne informacije koje rijetko poslušamo, tj. pogledamo.
Sa zanimanjem sam pogledao dva djela ruskog dokumentarca UPOZORENJE- HRANA! koje nam je velikodušno prevela na srpski te prenijela na svoj Youtube video kanal bebamur2. Hvala! Film je napravljen 2008 godine, u direkciji Olge Savastjanove (Осторожно- еда!, 2008) te prati dobrovoljca koji ima zadatak da jede brzu i konzerviranu hranu u toku dva tjedna. Ova priča nije toliko napeta koliko informacije koje se otkrivaju kako dokumentarac napreduje.
Informacije koje ćete vidjet nisu nove, nova je samo perspektiva, perspektiva ruskog društva koje je tokom vremena također napuštalo svoje prehrambene navike i norme. Pogled iz druge perspektive izaziva daljnje povjerenje u istinitost nalaza i tvrdnji sve većeg broja znanstvenika nutricionista. Svejedstvo, vegetarijanstvo, sirovojelstvo, veganstvo.... što god prakticirate dobro će vam doći ova upozorenja o namirnicama koje se nude na policama naših trgovina kao hrana!
Nazdravlje, GoxUNeed
ENGLISH - It is perfectly common to watch all sort of information from documentaries, movies and series made from scientists from Europe and North America. What about equally important hard working brilliant Russian scientists who also have their share of the story told, yet we seldom have the chance to take it into consideration.
I watched the two parts of Russian documentary WARNING - FOOD! directed by Olga Savastjanova in 2008, and which generously were shared by bebamur2 on her Youtube channel, with added subtitles in Serbian. I do not know if it exist with eng subs..sorry. The story follows the volunteer which has the task of eating fast food for two weeks, while the several doctors, nutritionists, and psychiatrists provide some very interesting information about the food eaten.
The information that are provided are not new, it is the perspective that is most revealing. It is the Russian perspective that gives the better view of the society that gave in on their tradition while it addopted to the new western diet and habits of modern society comfort food. This perspective give us a sort of confirmation of all the warnings that we hear, louder and louder, every day from the western scientist.
Vegan, vegetarian, omnivorous, rawie...whoever you choose to be it is wise to educate your self about the food on our store counter tops.
Vegan, vegetarian, omnivorous, rawie...whoever you choose to be it is wise to educate your self about the food on our store counter tops.
To your health, GoxUNeed
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