*** scroll down for English ***
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HRV - Svakoga dana, svakim korakom i osmjehom, postajem slobodniji od iluzije straha koju siju svuda oko nas..strah od kredita i blokade, strah od dosade, od samoće, strah od male mirovine. Sve te strahove mijenjam za slobodu daha, toplinu i svjesnost svoga Srca, ljubav prema ljudima s kojima dijelim jutro, Sunce, noć, kišu, vjetar i youbitu videoe. Gledam Dobro oko sebe i uživam dok me Život podržava. Sa svih strana mi stižu dobre vijesti i znakovi vremena koji govore da se i drugi bude. Ja sam sretan.
SPENCER CATHCART je samo jedan od mnogih koji je odlučio i shvatio da je potrebno promjeniti samo sebe- sve drugo je Sizifov posao. Kad promjenimo način na koji slušamo i gledamo svijet oko sebe, kad promjenimo način prehrane, kad promjenimo svoj fokus, iznova i iznova, danas, sada, promijeniti će se naš život i svijet u kojem živimo.
Spercerov video je skupio milione pogleda s razlogom- sve više ljudi se okreće od "istina" koje se serviraju svakog dana na svim medijima... sve više ljudi se bude i razmišljaju:" Ako ne ovako, kako onda drugačije!?" i tom pitanju se sve mijenja.
Originalni video se nalazi na https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipe6CMvW0Dg iako se vlasnik već požalio da je iz nepoznatog razloga bio već blokiran na Facebook stranici...
The original video you can find on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipe6CMvW0Dg although the owner has already noticed that the link was blocked from Fabebook, for unknown reasons...
*** tekst na hrvatskom je pri vrhu ***
ENG - Each day, every step I take and smile I make, I become free from one of the fears that are seeded all around the globe... fear of the mortgage, fear of boredom, fear of loneliness, fear of starvation or small pension. All those fears I trade for the freedom of breath, warmth and love of my Heart, love for the people that I share my day and night, rain and sunshine, or youtube videos... I notice the Good around me and I enjoy while Life supports me from one day to another. From all around the Globe I see good news coming my way, stories from other people who are also waking up to a new way of living.
Spencer Cathcart is one of those people who realized that there is only one person he needs to change- himself. When you alter the way you look and hear the life around you, when you alter the way your focus and start to listen to a different song, when you change your habits and your diet, when you change over and over, today, now..you will realize that the whole world has changed along with you own life.
Spencer's video has gathered millions of views because there are more and more of the people that are asking: "What is the alternative, what than if not this?" and in that question lies all the change.
Gox U Need needs you, too.
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